Sunday, July 24, 2011

July 24th, 2011

While doing PBL I learned a substantial amount of what I was taught to mean "Authentic Assessment and Learning." In terms of Project Based Learning it just means to make it real world compatible. Real life skills in the form of a culminating activity designed to use authentic real world situations. I understand the Beginning with the End in Mind, Craft the Driving Question, and Plan the Assessment components the best. It revealed a process for building a learning module.

The least of the things I've understood was the mapping the project. It seemed like it was just setting all the pieces, but I apparently missed a few things and was docked some points on my grade. The next project I make I will study this section more closely and refine my projects.

I expected to build eSchool modules that I could use for future classes and this class didn't disappoint. It showed me a new system to build these modules and will be something I use in the future to build an effective online schooling environment.

It has been a great experience to go through this course and learn about PBL. I intend to use all that I've learned in creating an effective set of learning materials for future jobs. Hopefully this includes building my own eSchool.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Managing the Process

July 11th, 2011

This week was interesting in terms of managing the process for PBL. In addition to constructing criticisms for the project, I had to come up with a valid defense. I also enjoyed the management of the project as a way to get the students involved. In other words the students were invited to evaluate not only the project, but the teacher.

As it goes with any project, management is a key step. Managing and refining a project becomes a deliberate science to bring a great project out of the wood work. My project is going to involve several checklists for the management process.

The students will use these checklists, a project evaluation and a teacher evaluation for the culminating activity as well as the learning itself. It provides a great opportunity for me as a teacher to understand what I’ve done well and what I could improve on.

This week really put the final pieces together to solidify what PBL is about. Allowing the most input from the students as possible. I had a fellow teacher who said to me once “whoever does the work earns the most from it.”

In project based learning the student gets the most out of the project because of the amount put into it. I’ve enjoyed the way my project is coming together and I am only a few short revisions away from having a solid project and finishing this first semester at BSU.